경제가 빠르게 성장함에 따라 베트남의 사용 수요는 매년 6,000MW 씩 증가합니다. 동시에 정부는 2030 년까지 온실가스 배출량을 매년 최소 8%씩 감소시킬 것을 약속했습니다.

여기서 Shire Oak International은 전국에서 일련의 태양광 발전 프로젝트를 전개하는 중입니다. 전역 기업 및 교육기관과 협력하여 현재 베트남 공장 지붕에 650MW의 태양광 발전 용량을 설치하기 위해 약 9 천만 달러를 전개하고 있습니다.
지속 가능한 성장은 Shire Oak International 운영의 핵심입니다. 당사의 사업 방법은 다음 목표를 특징으로 합니다:

사업 방법과 사고의 인식 및 개선

합법적인 사업 이익과 지속 가능한 개발 간의 균형화

재생에너지로의 글로벌 전환 추진

기업이 지속 가능한 목표를 달성하도록 지원

자연을 보존하도록 지원
Shire Oak International 설립자
Mark Shorrock이 당사의 비전을 이야기하는 영상:
Mark Shorrock, 설립자 겸 CEO
경영진 만나보기
시업 정신과 예리한 경영은 당사의 핵심입니다. Shire Oak International의 지도자팀은 수년간의 경험과 국제적 전문 지식의 조합입니다.
Mike is a renewable energy expert with over 12 years of experience in financial structuring, project optimisation, commercial negotiation and fundraising in the low carbon sector. He has worked across markets, technologies and the full development cycle. In Vietnam, Mike heads up the Transaction Team which has responsibility for setting commercial and legal terms, structuring deals and funding all of Shire Oak’s rooftop solar projects. As Head of Finance across the Shire Oak group, he is also responsible for structuring and optimising deals brought forward by the development teams in other locations. Mike studied Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge.
Nhon has been working in Energy industry since 1994, started with oil and gas engineering as the role of sales and project development. Since 1999, he returned to support his parent’s business in backup power and biogas power generation as well as others engineering service related to conventional sources.
After pursued Ph.D. degree in 2002, he’s been working internationally in Israel, China, ASEAN countries as a business developer and project manager in the field of energy and related. Renewable Energy became more attention in the World in the 2010s, He’s returned Vietnam market and focusing on investment, developing renewable energy. Nhon has a special passion for Energy physical and unphysical, which made me keep studying for Postdoctoral. All of that are applying these to his business and research activities.
Nhon is working part-time as an international energy expert for AlphaSight, BCG, On Frontier station in Vietnam, he is also the contracted trainer of PetroVietnam and EVN group since 2015.
Mike is a renewable energy expert with over 12 years of experience in financial structuring, project optimisation, commercial negotiation and fundraising in the low carbon sector. He has worked across markets, technologies and the full development cycle. In Vietnam, Mike heads up the Transaction Team which has responsibility for setting commercial and legal terms, structuring deals and funding all of Shire Oak’s rooftop solar projects. As Head of Finance across the Shire Oak group, he is also responsible for structuring and optimising deals brought forward by the development teams in other locations. Mike studied Natural Sciences at the University of Cambridge.
Nhon has been working in Energy industry since 1994, started with oil and gas engineering as the role of sales and project development. Since 1999, he returned to support his parent’s business in backup power and biogas power generation as well as others engineering service related to conventional sources.
After pursued Ph.D. degree in 2002, he’s been working internationally in Israel, China, ASEAN countries as a business developer and project manager in the field of energy and related. Renewable Energy became more attention in the World in the 2010s, He’s returned Vietnam market and focusing on investment, developing renewable energy. Nhon has a special passion for Energy physical and unphysical, which made me keep studying for Postdoctoral. All of that are applying these to his business and research activities.
Nhon is working part-time as an international energy expert for AlphaSight, BCG, On Frontier station in Vietnam, he is also the contracted trainer of PetroVietnam and EVN group since 2015.